Throwback Thursday, Time Capsule Edition

Throwback Thursday. Time Capsule edition.

I found this in our time capsule. It's a full-page application for "Settings in the First Baptist Church" of where you want to be seated, with who, how to pay, and a map of the pews. I’m not sure why they had this. Maybe a fundraiser for something? No other explanation. Some familiar Middletown names on the list. Mrs. Tytus had reserved pew number 25. Mrs. Sorg had reserved pew 12. Pew 5 was reserved for the pastor's family. There is no date on it but I’m assuming sometime between 1902 to 1905. Rev. Rufus Weaver served FBC from 1899-1903 and Rev. E. T. Stevens from 1904-1906.

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